Hey all, i’ve been playing Toy Defense casually for 3 or 4 years now. What a beautifully simple game to give the mind a break chef’s kiss. Anyways, i’ve played thru it now perfect scoring as many levels as i can and it unfortunately freezes midway on level 3 of the 4th and last world “New Tide”. The tricky thing about this game is that it exists on many other platforms but only as a 2 world game. ActionGame is the only site i’ve been able to find with all 4. So I’m not sure if that’s a bug that can be fixed, or if it needs to be re-uploaded or what, but at some point in this life i need to complete this game and it’s brilliant nostalgia. Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance!
Unfortunately this is no our own game but a licensed one.
I asked for a new version some time ago but no contact with the maker.
Re-uploading will not work. Try using another browser.
Okay thank you so much! I’ve been running it in Chrome, unfortunately there’s no way of knowing if another browser will fix the problem until i get 3/4 thru the game, which will take me weeks even with a speed run haha. What might be your best recommended browser to give this another go in? Thanks Bram
I would try Firefox then. But chances are it will not work.
I also asked the developers of the game for a fix
I go no response at all from the publisher/developer of the game. Even not on personal messages on LinkedIn. So I fear it will not get fixed.
What you can do is look in the developer console (google how to open it) see if there is any javascript error when your issue occurs, maybe it is as simple as a missing file that we can upload.
Keep me posted.
Hey Bram, i was able to get to level 4 of New Tide today. Here’s a copy/paste of the errors in the console. Here is a dropbox link to the text file. Or let me know if you have a more preffered method to get this to you. Dropbox
Thanks, unfortunately it seems it’s not fixable by us. Thanks for the effort. Will keep trying to get in contact with the game publisher
We found a typo in the json file of the paths in the 4th world. It might solve this issue, not sure, I will upload and post a test version soon. Hope you can confirm it fixes the issues.
Please test: Toy Defense
Copy that! It’ll probably take me a few weeks to play thru this since i’m busy but i’ll try to speed run it, thanks Bram!
Understood. Keep me posted. I will patiently wait.